Jonah Sanders

(mommy taste tested a few different kinds...)

(mommy taste tested a few different kinds...)

I was bored, and nodded off.

I was bored, and nodded off.

What's Vicky looking at?

What's Vicky looking at?

Josh was NOT pleased about something.

Josh was NOT pleased about something.



...and then we went to the movies.

...and then we went to the movies.

Joshua as art.

Joshua as art.

Joshua's front teeth are ... evolving.

Joshua's front teeth are ... evolving.

That narrow building on Front Street.

That narrow building on Front Street.

Ok, NOW he's happy.

Ok, NOW he's happy.

and so is Vicky.

and so is Vicky.

...and Daddy...

...and Daddy...

(what a face!)

(what a face!)

Vicky and me relaxing.

Vicky and me relaxing.

... Josh too.

... Josh too.

Mommy likes the dinner Daddy 'created'.

Mommy likes the dinner Daddy 'created'.

Sheppard's pie from scratch.

Sheppard's pie from scratch.

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Lyall and Lisa's Email
Daddy and Mommy's Homepage

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